OpenShift v4 Admin Console Walk Through:
Notable features and tasks:
Here are some of the key options and functionalities available in the OpenShift v4 Admin Console:
- Dashboard View: Provides an overview of the cluster, including health status, resource utilization, and important notifications.
- Project Management: Allows administrators to create, manage, and delete projects (namespaces in Kubernetes terms), providing a way to organize and control resources and access.
- Cluster and Node Management: Offers tools to view and manage the cluster and individual nodes, including monitoring their status, resource usage, and configuring settings.
- Workloads Management: Enables the management of various workloads such as Deployments, StatefulSets, DaemonSets, Jobs, and CronJobs, allowing administrators to deploy, scale, and manage applications.
- Pods Management: Administrators can view, create, edit, and delete pods, and manage their configurations.
- Storage Management: Offers the ability to manage persistent storage, including creating and managing Persistent Volume Claims (PVCs) and storage classes.
- Networking Features: Includes options for managing networking aspects like Services, Routes, Ingress, Network Policies, and more.
- User and Access Management: Allows management of users, groups, and access controls through Role-Based Access Control (RBAC), managing roles, and role bindings.
- Monitoring and Metrics: Integrated monitoring tools to track the performance of the cluster and applications, including metrics, logs, and alerts.
- Logging and Tracing: Provides centralized logging capabilities for cluster and application logs, and supports distributed tracing for complex applications.
- Security and Compliance: Tools for managing security policies, compliance features, and certificates.
- Operator Hub: A marketplace for finding and managing Kubernetes Operators that automate the deployment, management, and scaling of complex applications.
- Resource Quotas and Limit Ranges: Allows setting limits on the amount of resources a project or namespace can use, helping in resource allocation and management.
- Service Catalog and Broker Management: Supports managing service catalogs and brokers, enabling users to provision and manage external services like databases, message queues, etc.
- Customization and Extensibility: Options to customize and extend the console with additional features, plugins, and integrations.
- Command Line Tool (CLI) Integration: Provides easy access to the OpenShift CLI for advanced operations.
- Backup and Restore: Options for backing up and restoring cluster data and configurations.
- Updates and Upgrades Management: Tools to manage and apply updates and upgrades to the OpenShift cluster.
Other Features:
- Cluster Overview: Monitoring the health and status of the entire OpenShift cluster.
- Node Management: Viewing, labeling, and managing cluster nodes.
- Project Creation: Creating and managing projects (namespaces) for organizing resources.
- Resource Quotas: Setting and managing resource quotas and limits for projects.
- Pod Management: Viewing and managing pods, including scaling and debugging.
- Service Creation: Configuring services to expose pods to the cluster or externally.
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