Top day to day useful 100 OpenShift v4 OC cli commands:

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Please note: You may need to adapt these commands to your specific use case and environment. You
are always requested to refer the Red Hat Official Document for accurate commands.

1. Log in to OpenShift cluster:
oc login

2. View your current context:
oc config current-context

3. Create a new project:
oc new-project

4. Switch to a different project:
oc project

5. List all projects in the cluster:
oc get projects

6. List all pods in the current project:
oc get pods

7. Describe a specific pod:
oc describe pod

8. List all services in the current project:
oc get services

9. Describe a specific service:
oc describe service

10. List all deployments in the current project:
oc get deployments

11. Describe a specific deployment:
oc describe deployment

12. Scale a deployment:
oc scale –replicas= deployment/

13. Create a new application from a Git repository:
oc new-app

14. Expose a service:
oc expose service

15. Create a route for a service:
oc create route edge –service=

16. List all routes in the current project:
oc get routes

17. List all persistent volume claims in the current project:
oc get pvc

18. Describe a specific persistent volume claim:
oc describe pvc

19. Create a new secret:
oc create secret generic –from-literal==

20. List all secrets in the current project:
oc get secrets

21. Describe a specific secret:
oc describe secret

22. List all ConfigMaps in the current project:
oc get configmaps

23. Describe a specific ConfigMap:
oc describe configmap

24. List all persistent volumes in the cluster:
oc get pv

25. Describe a specific persistent volume:
oc describe pv

26. List all roles in the current project:
oc get roles

27. Describe a specific role:
oc describe role

28. List all role bindings in the current project:
oc get rolebindings

29. Describe a specific role binding:
oc describe rolebinding

30. List all cluster roles:
oc get clusterroles

31. Describe a specific cluster role:
oc describe clusterrole

32. List all cluster role bindings:
oc get clusterrolebindings

33. Describe a specific cluster role binding:
oc describe clusterrolebinding

34. List all image streams in the current project:
oc get is

35. Describe a specific image stream:
oc describe is

36. List all build configurations in the current project:
oc get bc

37. Describe a specific build configuration:
oc describe bc

38. Start a new build from a build configuration:
oc start-build

39. List all builds in the current project:
oc get builds

40. Describe a specific build:
oc describe build

41. List all deployment configs in the current project:
oc get dc

42. Describe a specific deployment config:
oc describe dc

43. Rollout a new deployment configuration:
oc rollout latest

44. List all services accounts in the current project:
oc get serviceaccounts

45. Describe a specific service account:
oc describe serviceaccount

46. List all routes in the current project:
oc get routes

47. Describe a specific route:
oc describe route

48. List all pods in all projects:
oc get pods –all-namespaces

49. List all services in all projects:
oc get services –all-namespaces

50. List all nodes in the cluster:
oc get nodes

51. Describe a specific node:
oc describe node

52. List all namespaces in the cluster:
oc get namespaces

53. Describe a specific namespace:
oc describe namespace

54. List all custom resource definitions (CRDs) in the cluster:
oc get crd

55. Describe a specific custom resource definition (CRD):
oc describe crd

56. List all custom resources (CRs) in the current project:
oc get cr

57. Describe a specific custom resource (CR):
oc describe cr

58. List all roles in all projects:
oc get roles –all-namespaces

59. List all role bindings in all projects:
oc get rolebindings –all-namespaces

60. List all cluster roles in all projects:
oc get clusterroles –all-namespaces

61. List all cluster role bindings in all projects:
oc get clusterrolebindings –all-namespaces

62. List all security context constraints (SCCs) in the cluster:
oc get scc

63. Describe a specific security context constraint (SCC):
oc describe scc

64. List all limit ranges in the current project:
oc get limitranges

65. Describe a specific limit range:
oc describe limitrange

66. List all network policies in the current project:
oc get networkpolicies

67. Describe a specific network policy:
oc describe networkpolicy

68. List all resource quotas in the current project:
oc get quota

69. Describe a specific resource quota:
oc describe quota

70. List all service catalog brokers:
oc get brokers

71. Describe a specific service catalog broker:
oc describe broker

72. List all service catalog service classes:
oc get serviceclasses

73. Describe a specific service catalog service class:
oc describe serviceclass

74. List all service catalog service instances:
oc get serviceinstances

75. Describe a specific service catalog service instance:
oc describe serviceinstance

76. List all service catalog service bindings:
oc get servicebindings

77. Describe a specific service catalog service binding:
oc describe servicebinding

78. List all storage classes in the cluster:
oc get sc

79. Describe a specific storage class:
oc describe sc

80. List all image streams in all projects:
oc get is –all-namespaces

81. List all build configurations in all projects:
oc get bc –all-namespaces

82. List all deployment configs in all projects:
oc get dc –all-namespaces

83. List all secrets in all projects:
oc get secrets –all-namespaces

84. List all ConfigMaps in all projects:
oc get configmaps –all-namespaces

85. List all persistent volume claims in all projects:
oc get pvc –all-namespaces

86. List all custom resources (CRs) in all projects:
oc get cr –all-namespaces

87. List all roles in all projects:
oc get roles –all-namespaces

88. List all role bindings in all projects:
oc get rolebindings –all-namespaces

89. List all cluster roles in all projects:
oc get clusterroles –all-namespaces

90. List all cluster role bindings in all projects:
oc get clusterrolebindings –all-namespaces

91. List all service catalog brokers in all projects:
oc get brokers –all-namespaces

92. List all service catalog service classes in all projects:
oc get serviceclasses –all-namespaces

93. List all service catalog service instances in all projects:
oc get serviceinstances –all-namespaces

94. List all service catalog service bindings in all projects:
oc get servicebindings –all-namespaces

95. List all roles in a specific project:
oc get roles -n

96. List all role bindings in a specific project:
oc get rolebindings -n

97. List all cluster roles in a specific project:
oc get clusterroles -n

98. List all cluster role bindings in a specific project:
oc get clusterrolebindings -n

99. List all security context constraints (SCCs) in a specific project:
oc get scc -n

100. List all limit ranges in a specific project:
oc get limitranges -n

These commands should give you a good starting point for working with OpenShift using the `oc` CLI.
Remember to replace placeholders like “, “, “, and
others with actual names or values specific to your environment.


3 responses to “Top day to day useful 100 OpenShift v4 OC cli commands:”

  1. […] 6. Top 100 OpenShift CLI commands Lab […]

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  3. […] Top 100 OpenShift commands list you can try. […]

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