Author: Dhinesh Kumar

  • Nginx Operator Deployment Lab

    Deploying the NGINX Operator and accessing NGINX on OpenShift v4 can be done through the following steps. This process assumes you have administrative access to your OpenShift cluster and are familiar with basic OpenShift and Kubernetes concepts. 1. Log into your OpenShift Cluster:   – Use the OpenShift CLI (`oc`) or the OpenShift web console to…

  • OpenShift htpasswd lab

    OpenShift HTPasswd Lab: Creating an .htpasswd file in OpenShift v4 involves a few steps. This file is typically used for authentication purposes. Here’s a general guide on how to create an .htpasswd file in OpenShift v4: Log in to the OpenShift Cluster: First, ensure that you are logged in to your OpenShift cluster with the…

  • OpenShift day2 Operations

    Activity 1: Moving OpenShift v4 ingress pods to Infra nodes Moving OpenShift v4 Ingress Pods to infrastructure nodes involves a few steps. Here’s a general guide: Label the Infrastructure Nodes: You first need to label your infrastructure nodes. This can be done using the oc command line tool. Assume you have already set up your infrastructure…

  • OpenShift Hands on Labs

    Hands-on Labs with Red Hat Code Ready Container: Download all the PDF files Reference: Red Hat CRC reference (How to do) Hands On Labs: 1. Learn and experiment HTPasswd Lab 2. Deploy your nginx operator Lab 3. Deploy Jenkins Operators Lab 4. Deploy OpenShift Compliance Opeator Lab 5. Explore OpenShift Admin Console 6. Top 100 OpenShift CLI commands Lab What can…

  • OpenShift Advanced Concepts

    OpenShift Advanced Concepts for OpenShift Architects and Administrators: Read more about OpenShift Basics Download all the OpenShift Free PDF Learning materials. Concepts: 1. Operator Framework Mastery:   – Explore and implement custom operators using Operator SDK.   – Understand the Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) and create custom CatalogSources. 2. Multi-Cluster Deployments:   – Set up and manage multi-cluster…

  • Frequently Asked OpenShift v4 Questions (2024)

    Read about OpenShift Basics (2024 OpenShift Beginners Guide) Installation and Setup:1. Q: How do I install OpenShift v4?   – A: OpenShift can be installed using the OpenShift Installer, which automates the installation process. 2. Q: What is the minimum hardware requirement for an OpenShift cluster?   – A: Minimum requirements include at least 4 cores, 16 GB…

  • OpenShift Best Practices

    Top 50 OpenShift v4 Best Practices (Infra Implementation Best practices). Read more about OpenShift Advanced Concepts Read more about OpenShift Architecture Please note: There is no standard Best Practices available to conclude commonly for any environment. These instructions may or may not be applicable. You have to make best decision to select the points. We do not…

  • OpenShift Health Check Lab(2025)!

    OpenShift Health Check Lab(2025)!

    Updated on 2nd January, 2025 Here is a categorized list of tools and software that can directly or indirectly integrate with OpenShift: Join Our WhatsApp Channel and get up to date information! Install Assisted Labs App and get OpenShift Hands-on Labs and Order OpenShift Cluster for your learning. Please note: This is a lab exercise…

  • OpenShift Troubleshooting Notes!

    OpenShift v4 Troubleshooting Notes from Experts (2024)! Here with 50 problem scenarios and cmd references. Keep in mind that the commands and solutions may vary based on the specific details of your OpenShift environment. 1. Problem: Node Not Ready    – Solution:      oc get nodes      oc describe node 2. Problem: PersistentVolumeClaim…